Global warming is also known as the green house effect, is a topic that
has received much attention, in recent years; yet our Climate change is
not a recent problem. Every year, almost 7 billion tons of carbon
dioxide is released into the atmosphere by human activity. Global
warming is in the earth's upper atmosphere directly caused by human
burning of fossil, fuels, industrial, farming, and deforestation. Every
year we see natural disasters that are extremely powerful. For example,
In April of 2011, the country of Japan was hard hit by an earthquake
that took the lives of thousands of people. If we ignore the fact now
the result could be catastrophic. As humans, we all have our own
opinions, but the problem of global warming should not be debated: it
should be solved.
The problem on Global warming has been
unsolvable in the last 30 years, but modern day researchers have found
various remedies to the problem that we as humans have inflicted on the
earth. A phenomenon (otherwise known as 'Climate change of the green
house effect') whereby solar radiation that has reflected back of the
surface of the earth remains trapped at atmosphere levels, due to the
build-up of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses, rather than
being emitted back into space. The effect of this is a warming of the
global atmosphere. People that don't believe in Global warming say that
there is no sciencetific proof that earth's temperature is rising.
Evidently they never read up on the greenhouse effect. The earth's
atmosphere has mix of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide. It means
that this mixture is delicate balance that makes the temperature on
earth proper for plant and animal life. Global warming is indeed a scan,
perpetrated by scientists with vested interests, but in need of crash
courses on Geology, logic and philosophy of science. Therefore claiming
that global warming is bad, don't really know even know if it really is
as bad as they say it is.
When considering Global warming, it is
first important to know how recently statistics. Global warming has been
caused by the people of the world. Many things have happened as a
result. Since the beginning of 20th century, the average surface
temperature has increased by 1.1 degree Celsius. Just in the past 40
years. It has risen by a half of a degree. As of now the global sea
level is rising three times faster than in the last hundred years when
compared to the last three thousand years. This doesn't sound like much
right away but any change in temperature causes melting to the polar ice
caps. If they continue to melt, the sea level could start to rise
dramatically. Furthermore, it is a fact that the average rice in
temperature globally is 1.1 degree. The starting fact is that parts of
Alaska, Canada, and Northern Russia. They have experienced a rise in
temperature by 5 degree Fahrenheit. This means that they are in the
Northern hemisphere where there is less water. Less water means less of
the new found heat is being taken away be the vast ocean. These gasses
are adding up everyday. In 1987 "Carbon Dioxide reached 340 parts per
million" and "in the 1999 360 ppm". It is estimated that in 2050 the
carbon dioxide count will be 600 ppm.This is at the point in which the
global temperature would be "higher than it has ever been and will cause
serious problems" unlike the warning sign we are experiencing
currently. Clearly the recently statistics demonstrate that global
warming has been effected in the world.
We have properly talked
about how global warming effect to our earth already. Another thing we
should have talked in how to help to reduce the gasses on our earth.
Building green homes is important both economical wise and
environmental, not only do you help reduce pollution, but making your
home energy-efficiently will help you reduce your bill. We can take
charge in our own homes to start modifying energy usage. The CFL bulb
works the same way as the regular one but making your home
energy-efficient energy. This can mean as little as replacing the
regular light blub to super-efficient compact fluorescent lights CFLs
would be perfect in your house. The most important things in 21 century
are home improvement or remodeling. Home improving can mean selecting
newer appliances such as air-conditioners, furnaces, water heaters, and
refrigerators. Furthermore, after remodeling or replacing the old
product to energy-efficient appliances, it is always good idea take care
of the huge important for climate as transportation. Transport is
responsible for nearly one quarter of greenhouse gas emission world
wide, is important but staring 1970 it had increased rapidly worldwide.
There are many ways to help reduce the vehicles that are on the road,
for every person who drives fuel-efficient cars, car pull, or uses
public transportations would be as consider environmental
friendlybecause it reduces polluting the atmosphere.
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